
Week 51: Merry Christmas!

I'm fixin' to tell y'all to have a Merry little Christmas.

I had a few more dangerous experiences than I would have preferred this week. & I've been debating whether or not my Dad will personally pick me up and take me home if I tell you what happened... might just have to wait until I get home for those stories. :)

It was a stressful week {as much as I wanted to find time to plan a wedding in my missionary schedule... I'm grateful for some hermanas that took our ideas and made it happen}. It turned out so good! We pulled it together in the last second {last POSSIBLE second} and they were so surprised and happy! I got to put on Francisco's boutineer and as I put it on he thanked me for everything I had done for him. It was the best feeling in the world to be here to teach him, his baptism, when he received the priesthood, got his first calling, and his wedding. Next step... temple!

My very first night in this area Hermana Miller and I met a man on the stairs of his apartment named M---. He was really interested and we gave him a card, but never saw him again... until this week! He moved back here and we were able to teach him the restoration! Wow! He remembered me and was so excited to talk to us.

Our golden investigator A--- just moved here so her apartment is bare. They sleep on the floor, they don't even have chairs! So the other Sisters in our ward found chairs we could give them and one of the members of the bishopric drove all of the way up to get them and bring them down to her apartment. When we knocked on her door she wasn't home! It was so unlike her and I was so disappointed, but something told me to stay. So I ran and checked the laundry room to see if she was there, and on my way back I ran into two guys, one of whom I had met a couple weeks ago. We were able to show them the He is the Gift video and teach them until A--- called and said she was home. Then the guys helped us carry the chairs up to her apartment! She was overwhelmed and so happy with the surprise, and the best part is that the two guys are her next door neighbors and they want us to come and teach them now too. The Lord's timing is PERFECT.

This week was the Christmas Conference! The entire mission got together and we sang Christmas songs, watched the Nativity movie {love!}, ate, and had the best time! They surprised us with Texas stockings stuffed with letters from our family! It was so much fun!

Funnies of the Week:

Tried to convince obispo to say, "Mawwiage is what bwings us togezah today."

We picked up a pizza one night. Pizza has NEVER tasted so good.

My farewell was a year ago! How did that happen??

C--- showed up an hour late to her own wedding. 

We had a lesson with O--- and ended up chatting after and showing her pictures of our families. She was SHOCKED to find out we are normal people.

Got an email from Hermana Miller with the title : "MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FILTHY SHNOOCKUMS"

I am LOVING getting all these Christmas cards!!!
I love you!

Hermana McOmber

Knocked on the door of a member who served in a sign language mission!  So sweet!

Saw the Grinch and almost cried!  I miss Hermana Miller!

Bawling my eyes out after getting the surprise letters from my family!

Christmas Conference with the Mortensens!

Our Apartmentship!

Texas tradition: Wrap your door in Christmas paper!

They are married!!

We got to be decorators, wedding planners, bridesmaids, and photographers!  Loved it!

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