
Week 49: Share the Gift!

December 8, 2014

And my new companion is... Hermana Provost!

It was another week of miracles! 

E--- accepted to be baptized this Saturday... and then he told us he might be deported. haha keeping our fingers crossed! We had a Family Home Evening with our recent convert F---- and his family and E--- last night. It was amazing! They all got along so well and it was so much fun! I am so so so grateful! He is so lonely, but last night he was so happy! We laughed and played and sang and read scriptures and ate arroz con leche! I felt like I was at home, so I can't even imagine how good he felt.

We were walking through the apartments our first day together and I saw this cute young girl walk by and started talking to her. She's from Mexico and has friends who are LDS. She invited us over the next day, so we went and taught her and her little boy the Restoration. They are both SO prepared! They read the Book of Mormon together and can't wait to feel that answer of its truthfulness! She said that she and her husband have felt that something has been missing in their lives, and that she thinks they just found it. Ahh! I LOVE HER!

One night we went to dinner with the M--- family and during the meal she expressed how disappointed she feels- feeling such great desires to share the gospel, trying so hard and not having the success she was hoping for. She invited us to meet with two of her friends, and we made a pie and cupcakes with her right then and there to bring to them. When we got to the doorstep she was SO nervous! It was darling! She did such a good job sharing her testimony! I was so proud of her! I've never seen a member with such great desires to share! It was so humbling to me! A few nights later a member and her son came with us to teach a lesson! This eight year old son who just got baptized taught the word of wisdom to two grown men AND invited them to church! MEMBER MISSIONARIES FOR THE WIN!

The referral of the little eight year old boy we gave to the other sisters in the ward just finished reading his children's version of the Book of Mormon and prayed to know if it was true. He said he felt like "Joseph Smith was talking to my soul, and I felt more love than I ever have in my life." WOW.

I had a man I met on the street tell me that I "ooze happy." That I was the happiest, kindest, "brightest" person he's ever met, and that he would do anything to be like me. What a reality check! There I was absorbed in my own little selfish world, having a bad day, and this kind stranger told me exactly what I needed to hear. 

Irony of the week:

I found that street called Black Pool lane a few months ago, but it wasn't until the other day that I felt prompted to go visit a potential investigator on that street. On the way to his house we passed a little neighborhood of casitas that I had never seen before! I felt drawn to them so we went and contacted people for just a few minutes... found three new investigators and a big family of inactives. Looks like I made it to Black Pool after all. 

Funnies of the week:

It got up to 80 degrees one day.

A family in the ward gave us a giant bag of about grapefruits one day. A few days later the English sisters walk in the door at night with an identical bag of grapefruits. The members didn't know we live together, so now we have enough grapefruits to last until the millenium.

We read 3 Nefi 11 with E--- and when we asked him how he thought the people felt when Christ invited them to be baptized he said, "Me first! Me first!"

I can tell my Spanish has really improved the last week because I keep catching myself thinking in Spanish, dreaming in Spanish, and forgetting if I'm talking in English or Spanish.

We knocked on the door of a former investigator and his new ex-marine roommate answered the door. He played tough guy for a good fifteen minutes, but by the end he was a puddle of tears. That, my friends, is the Spirit.

It is so good to hear from you! Makes me cry every time to think that someone remembered me and took the time to write me. Thank you for reaching out! It means the world to me.


Hermana McOmber

Everything is bigger in Texas!

Hermana B hopping a fence to get to an appointment with us - Dedication!

I love kids!

First time at a Panda Express without you Nick - I miss you!

Made it to Blackpool after all!

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