
Week 45: There's a snake in my boot!

November 11, 2014

Actually, there's not. but I did get bit by a few fire ants and my right foot looks like a red football.

This week started off so great with a visit from Elder Lawrence Corbridge- yes, he is the one who wrote "The Fourth Missionary," and yes he is even better in person. I got to have an interview with him before the conference and it was so neat! He gave me the sweetest blessing and helped me so much.

One night our appointment cancelled so we decided to knock some doors. The second door we knocked didn't answer so we started to walk away when this guy answered. All I had to say was "Hi, we're missionaries...." and he was like, "pasen, pasen, pasen!!" {come in, come in, come in!} He and his wife ran around the house muttering, "The missionaries are here!" as they straightened everything up and sat us down on the couch. We were worried they thought we were missionaries from their church, but as we got talking to them it turns out that they're simply just the MOST PREPARED PEOPLE EVER. We had a super powerful lesson, I have never taught that powerfully before, and they accepted the invitation to be baptized! I love being a missionary!

One day we tried visiting the lady we found a while back with our card on her door, but her cousins were sitting outside and we got chatting with them. One of them was an older man who was set in his ways and mostly just teased us, but the younger man lit up as we started talking, especially when we switched into Spanish. He had tons of questions and was so amazed by our answers! He wanted to know everything- "I've wanted to know ever since I was little why you don't drink coffee." He even noticed our CTR rings and wanted to know what they were. We gave him a BOM and he is so excited to read it!

We went to an appointment with a potential investigator we met on the street and she was taking care of her little twin nieces, who screamed when they saw me. I had given them a card at the grocery store almost a month ago and they remembered me! They listened to the lesson and actually understood a lot {we're talkin about little six-year-olds who could quote the bible}, and made the funniest comments. loved it!

One night we decided to try to set up an appointment with a potential before we had to go home for the night, and his roommate opened the door and Hermana Miller almost screamed- it was a former investigator we had lost contact with! Miracle!

Funnies of the Week:

Asked a little boy who the first two people on earth were and he shouted, "Damian y Uva." {Adan y Eva} ...I mean, pretty close, right?

The twin girls are HILARIOUS. They kept making the funniest comments during the lesson. "Sabemos mucho de Dios, pero a veces poco..." {We know a lot about God, but sometimes only a little...} and after they got us off track, "Continuemos..." {moving on}. and at the end when we gave their aunt a BOM one of them shouted, "Y nosotras que???" {What about us?}

I told an Hermana that I want to marry a tall, dark, handsome man that speaks Spanish and she said, "No sabe que dice." {You don't know what you're saying, like You don't know what you're getting yourself into} hahaha

We visited a menos activo and read 1 Nefi 3:7 with her to talk about keeping the commandments, but she would rather focus on the irrelevant scriptures around it... reading them VERY loud with LOTS of emphasis. At least she liked it!

We ate with an Hermana this week who fed us a soup that she learned to make in a dream... take a wild guess at how crazy THAT tasted.

Les quiero! Escribeme!

Hermana McOmber

Conference with Elder Corbridge!

Met some kids on the street and fell in love with them!

District leader made homemade donuts for our district meeting!

Loved this door:  
"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord"

Finally got to go to the temple!

Temple with Lidia

Love my companions!

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